About us
Our file server is open 24/7 for you every day!
If a desired file does not exist as a finished file on the server, it will be processed immediately or within a maximum of one hour in the business hours listed below by our programmer team.
Opening manual file service
Monday - Friday: 08:00 to 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 to 15:00
Outside these times, only uploading of automatic files is possible.
For this, the required software must be available as an already finished tuning file on our server!
For over 23 years, we have been involved in the development of tuning files, we provide more than 100 tuning companies, dealers and partners constantly with the latest tuning files!
In order to always be able to deliver optimal software to our customers, our development work on the in-house four-wheel dynamometer constantly optimizes the maps and parameters of the individual files. This way, our partners are constantly receiving the best possible quality for their vehicles.
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